Chairman's 2024 Summer Report
I hope you all are enjoying the summer and managing to keep cool. I have been using the heat as an excuse to get into the basement shop, mostly because it's the coolest place in the house.
General Information
Past Demonstrations - On May 18th, club members spent half a day at the Rockler store to help out with their anniversary event. We picked up 3 names there of people who are interested in the club. We also spent 4 days during the July 4th holiday weekend at the Westmorland Arts and Heritage Festival where we picked up another 20 interested people. I would like to thank all of the volunteers who participated in these events.
Fair in the Park - We are again participating in the Craftsman Guild of Pittsburgh's Fair in the Park being held in Mellon Park on September 6th, 7th, and 8th. We were reminded that we are not allowed to sell anything from our booth. We plan on having 2 lathes there demonstrating our craft. We have a number of folks signed up to demo already, but we could use a few more. Let us know if you can participate by contacting me or Rob Martin.
Mid-Atlantic Woodturning Symposium - The organizers of the annual Mid-Atlantic Woodturning Symposium (MAWTS) asked us to announce to our membership that it is coming up soon on Sept. 20-22. It looks like they have some new things and exciting demos scheduled. More information about this event can be found on their website - (Keep in mind that this is also our meeting date.)
Did all of you attending the May meeting find Dave Betler's presentation as useful as I did? Thank you, Dave, for another great program!
September 21st - Andrew Horowitz will demonstrate inlay techniques. Tired of throwing away partially-completed work because of cracks, voids, or damage from catches? Learn how to use stone and metal inlays to repair and enhance these pieces. Andrew will discuss inlay materials, design considerations, and processes to create stunning inlay work. Topics include procurement and selection of inlay material, carving and burning to prepare the void, gluing methods, and shaping and finishing.
October 19th - At this time, we plan on doing a tour of a local lumber mill. But, if it happens like last year, and we cannot make the tour, we do have a backup plan for a demonstration.
November 16th - Craig Smith will demonstrate his method for making a box in the morning. After a lunch break, we will break into groups for some hands-on instructions. After this demo, there should be one less excuse for not making a box for the Christmas box exchange.
December 21st - Our annual Christmas Ornament and Box exchange get together. The site for this affair still has to be determined. We welcome any of your suggestions for a place to meet.